Friday, April 29, 2016

Guitar of the Day: Fender Stratocaster

Hi Everyone!

I hope you're having a glorious Thursday! Today marks the end of the guitars I used on my album "Legacy", and that's just in time because the release is just a couple of days away!!!

This guitar is my 1988 Fender Yngwie J. Malmsteen Signature Edition Stratocaster. The fingerboard features scalloped frets, i.e., the wood of the fingerboard is scooped out, so when you press down on a fret, you don't have wood under your finger, just fret wire (unless you REALLY dig in, but that kinda hurts!). This guitar is a real trip to play.

"But wait! Fender didn't make that model available in translucent blue!"

You're right! This guitar was originally a cream color, but over the years, the finish didn't agree with one of my old guitar stands, and started melting away. My wife & I took on a project a few years ago to strip off the damaged finish and re-do it in blue. I love how it came out! I've also just recently re-adjusted her pickup heights, so she really sings these days!

This guitar was played on "Time Machine" for the break after the first chorus, then again at the end of the song.

Thank you for following along with the guitar-a-day posts!

I'm super excited for the release on Saturday and I'm so thankful for your support. I really hope you'll get as much enjoyment out of listening to my album as I did in creating it for you.

If you haven't already done so, go visit my website and pre-order your copy of "Legacy" on CD, digital download, iTunes, or Amazon MP3 today! I'm already starting to fulfill the CD orders, and the digital downloads will be activated in just about a day and a half! The Google Play options should be available any day now, so if that's your preferred format, sit tight just a little longer!

I'll have an announcement tomorrow to herald the official release -- and there's some big news there, so stay tuned! Thank you so much to all of you who have already ordered the album. I'd love to hear what you think of it when it gets to you.

You all rock!

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