Thursday, July 28, 2016

Theory Thursday: Fifths

Intervals: The Fifth

In the last couple weeks we learned about 2nd, 3rd, and 4th intervals. For seconds and thirds there are major and minor varieties, and with fourths there are perfect and augmented varieties. Today, we're moving right along to the next interval, the fifth.

So from last week, we learned that fourths are the intervals created by skipping over two tones in the scale. This week, we're going to talk about the interval relationship that happens if you skip three scale tones. Using the A minor scale, here's a look at the 5th intervals:

A -> E
B -> F
C -> G
D -> A
E -> B
F -> C
G -> D

Still with me? Fifths are really just the next increment in the pattern we've been exploring for the last few weeks, and again it's just that the interval is getting bigger. So to build a fifth, if we start on A, we simply leap-frog over the B, C, and D to get to E. Then of course it's the same for every subsequent tone in the A minor scale.

Let's now take another look back at our pattern of whole and half steps that make up our A minor scale (I included the scale on top and the interval between each tone below...):

A B C D E F G A B C D E F G A ... etc
 W H W W H W W W H W W H W W  ... etc

Again, remember, every W is 2 half-steps. So let's now take a look at the raw intervals that make up each fifth interval in the A minor scale. We do this by adding all the intervals between our two tones. So for example, A to E is W + H + W + W (using the pattern above), the B to F is H + W + W + H, and so on. So this looks like:

A -> E : W+H+W+W = 7 half-steps
B -> F : H+W+W+H = 6 half-steps
C -> G : W+W+H+W = 7 half-steps
D -> A : W+H+W+W = 7 half-steps
E -> B : H+W+W+W = 7 half-steps
F -> C : W+W+W+H = 7 half-steps
G -> D : W+W+H+W = 7 half-steps

As you can see from the diagram above, most of the fifths are made up of 7 half-steps, and just one of them is 6 half-steps. Similar to 4ths, 5ths that consist of 7 half-steps are called "perfect" fifths (P5) and because the fifth made up of 6 half-steps is just a little smaller, it's called a "diminished" fifth (d5).

If you look back at last week's discussion of fourths, you'll see that an augmented fourth is made of the same 6 half-steps as a diminished fifth. Uh oh! What's worse is that to our ears, there is NO difference between an augmented 4th and a diminished 5th. They sound exactly the same.

So how can we tell them apart?

The answer is actually pretty simple. If you look at the A4 interval F -> B, there are 2 tones in between (G and A). When you skip 2 tones, you have a fourth. If you look at the d5 interval B -> F, there are 3 tones in between (C, D, and E). When you skip 3 tones, you have a fifth. Not so bad, right?

New Terminology

We just learned that even though the interval of a diminished fifth and an augmented fourth sound the same (because they have the same number of half steps), they have different names. There is a special term for these intervals that have different names but the same number of half-steps: enharmonic equivalents. It's kind of a yucky term to remember, but it just means intervals that have the same raw interval but different harmonic names. In a sentence, you'd say "Augmented fourths and diminished fifths are enharmonic equivalents."

In time, we will cover several other enharmonic equivalent intervals, but for now with the A minor scale, the A4/d5 pair is the only one we will encounter.

But wait! There's More!

If you take another look at our B->F and F->B example from above, notice that both of these  intervals use the same two tones, B and F. The only difference is which tone comes first. Intervals that share the same tones but just have a different order are called inversions.

If you start with a fourth interval (C->F for example), then swap the order of the tones (F->C) it becomes a fifth. Any time you invert a fourth it becomes a fifth. Likewise, any time you invert a fifth it becomes a fourth. More specifically, if you start with a perfect fourth, the inversion is a perfect fifth (and vice versa). Likewise, if you start with an augmented fourth, the inversion is a diminished fifth (and vice versa).

Going back to the raw intervals, if you add a perfect fourth (5 half steps) and its inversion, a perfect fifth (7 half steps), the result is 12. If you add an augmented fourth (6 half steps) and its inversion, a diminished fifth (6 half steps), the result is 12 again.

The sum of the half steps of an interval and its inversion is always 12. We'll see a bit more of that when we talk about 6ths next week and 7ths the following week.


So the important things to remember from today's lesson are:

  • A fifth is the interval that results from skipping 3 scale tones
  • A perfect 5th (P5) is 7 half-steps
  • A diminished 5th (d5) is 6 half-steps
  • Intervals that have the same number of half-steps but different names are called enharmonic equivalents
  • When you flip the order of tones in an interval, it is called an inversion
  • The sum of the half steps between an interval and its inversion is always 12
  • Fourths and fifths are inversions of each other 


  • How many half-steps in a minor 2nd interval?
  • How many half-steps in a major 2nd interval?
  • How many half-steps in a minor 3rd interval?
  • How many half-steps in a major 3rd interval?
  • How many half-steps in a perfect 4th interval?
  • How many half-steps in an augmented 4th interval?
  • How many half-steps in an diminished 5th interval?
  • How many half-steps in a perfect 5th interval?
  • Define the term enharmonic equivalents.
  • What interval is A->E?
    • What would be its inversion?
    • What interval is the inversion?


If you have ANY questions or comments, please leave a comment here, on my Facebook page, or tweet at me (@chrisstarkgtr).

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